Ads Manager

A dApp for publishers, creators and advertisers

Cros integrates with a variety of publishers including gaming and virtual worlds such as Roblox and Decentraland. These publishers own an inventory of ad-slots on numerous platforms from a traditional advertising perspective such as games, virtual worlds and events in virtual words. Based on the specific aspects of these platforms, each slot is a virtual space, game NPC, an avatar or any other surface where content (a form of media) can be played or displayed for a set period. In other cases, the slot can function similarly to a commercial break within a scheduled programme. The publishers deploy ad-assets (like Billboards, holograms, ad-surfaces) and they are automatically available as ad-inventory through the Cros ad-bidding platform. The inventory of impressions is predicted using machine learning models and the same is made available for the auction. Cros ad-bidding platform auctions the inventory to the interested advertisers. The publishers are ranked by the auction algorithm based on their bid spread and the advertisements submitted by them are served at the time and/or place within a virtual event or space determined by their rank, asset category, user behavior attributes and other parameters.

Publisher's user interface

The distributed app allows publishers to create, update and deploy the ad-assets that are connected to the platform, specifically the ad-bidding and ad-serve services. This is accomplished by following the steps below:

Step 1

The publisher selects the virtual world where they own the property or space. The virtual space can be part of a virtual event, land, or even a programme. The web application interface is used to discover available scenes or individual components of scenes like a billboard, a wall or an avatar.

Step 2

The publisher buys or rents the available ad-assets (scenes or components of scene) and deploys them in the game. The ad-asset (NFT) ownership is transferred to the publisher, who is now qualified to receive the earnings from the ad impressions generated on the asset.

Advertiser's user interface

An advertiser can use the distributed app to design the advertising campaign. This is done through the following steps:

Step 1

The “creative” components of the advertisement such as audio, video, or static content must be produced in a standard format. The advertiser simply uploads the advertisement to the platform once it has been created. The creative package is uploaded to an IPFS-based distributed and tamper-proof file system.

Step 2

The advertiser can further define the attributes for advertisement targeting using the web application interface. This includes configuration parameters and settings for publisher events, games, and programmes, as well as days of the week, day parts, demographic and geographic regions. This step algorithmically identifies the type of auction format that advertiser bid will be considered in.

Step 3

The final stage is to set the bid, which is the amount the advertiser is willing to spend. This is defined using two main parameters: a total budget and a per-advertisement bid. Traditionally, the advertiser specifies a per advertisement bid in terms of "CPM," which is the price per 1000 viewers/listeners. The per advertisement bid unit was chosen since it is well acknowledged by advertisers.

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